Friday, April 24, 2020

Wonder Wheel

In the beginning of March, I somehow wound up having a day off on a Monday. It was that rarest of rarities . . . A free weekday that was also a school day, so I really was free for most of the day! It was also sunny and unseasonably warm, so I took a trip down to Coney Island. Coney Island is one of my favorite places, and I actually like it better during the off-season, without the crowds. Some workers were in the amusement parks, starting to get them ready for a summer season which we now know will probably not happen. There were still plenty of people around, but it was pretty quiet and peaceful. Quiet and peaceful, with the exception of an old man sitting on a bench near me, ranting to someone on his phone about how Coronavirus was a hoax, it was just the flu, and it was all thought up by "the government, the military, the corporations, the Arabs . . . They're all in on it!" Four days later, the whole city was shut down.

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